Chiara Isotton

Soprano Chiara Isotton was born in Belluno, where she began studying at the Antonio Miari School of Music.
Later, she completed her course of study at the B. Marcello Conservatory in Venice where she graduated with high marks in 2007.
Following her education, she continued her formation under the guidance of William Matteuzzi, Roberto Scandiuzzi, Regina Resnik, Raina Kabaivanska, Renato Bruson and Paolo De Napoli.
She won several important national and international competitions, including being among the winners of the “European Community” Competition for Young Opera Singers by the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale di Spoleto in 2013 where she debuted her role of Tosca.
Isotton debuted at Teatro alla Scala in 2015 as Gran Sacerdotessa in Aida conducted by Zubin Mehta.
Also at Teatro alla Scala she interpreted Alisa in Lucia di Lammermoor (Ranzani/Zimmermann), Giovanna in Rigoletto (Luisotti/Deflo), Pisana in I due Foscari (Mariotti/Hermanis), Flora in La Traviata (Santi, Chung, Armiliato/Cavani), Cintia in La cena delle beffe (Rizzi/Martone), and Gertud in Hansel and Gretel (Albrecht/Bechtolf).
In 2015 she played Mimì in La Bohème in Spoleto and later on tour in Japan.
She returned to Japan in 2018 as Tosca (Yoshida/Maestrini) in Nagoya.
In 2019, she made her debut at La Fenice Opera House in Venice as Tosca (Rustioni/Senigallia).
She went on to play Leonora in Il Trovatore at the Ente Concerti “Marialisa De Carolis” in Sassari.
Recently she was seen again as Tosca at the New National Theater in Tokyo (Callegari/Madau-Diaz), in the form of a concert at the Municipal Theater of Treviso (Lanzillotta) and in Piacenza (Quatrini/Guerra), receiving accolades from the public and critics.
Her future commitments include participation in the inauguration of Teatro alla Scala’s upcoming season in the role of the Dama in Lady Macbeth (Chailly/Livermore) and in her debut as Elisabetta di Valois in Don Carlo in Marseille (Arrivabeni/Roubaud).